Dealing with symptoms, causes, and risks of cold, cough, and flu

Dealing with symptoms, causes, and risks of cold, cough, and flu

Typically, viruses cause the common cold. This includes head cold, chest cold, and even seasonal flu. Most people tend to simply use over-the-counter medicines to relieve the symptoms, which include a runny nose, cough, as well as congestion. In the following article, we will cover the symptoms, causes, and risks associated with cold, flu, cough, and virus.


Waking up coughing or sneezing are just some of the common symptoms associated with cold, flu, cough, and virus.

Also, it is crucial to figure out the difference between cold and flu. While a cold is mild, the flu can be a little more intense. Here are some of the common symptoms associated with these conditions:


  • Cough
  • Stuffy or runny nose
  • Low-grade fever
  • Having frequent body aches
  • Mild headache


  • Runny nose
  • Body aches or muscle pain
  • Tiredness
  • Sore throat


  • Stuffy nose
  • A frequent sensation of throat clearance
  • Shortness of breath
  • Wheezing
  • Heartburn

Viral infection, on the other hand, can create a host of symptoms depending on what you contract, but the main symptoms would typically be from the lists above.


While the causes may seem similar, they differ for all three: cold, flu and cough. Here are the common causes for all of these conditions:


  • Rhinovirus
  • Contraction through towels
  • Contraction by touching utensils
  • Touching the nose and mouth


The main cause of the flu is the influenza virus. It can not only infect the throat and nose but also the lungs. These viruses typically spread when people who have flu, sneeze, talk, or even cough. They can send out the droplets containing the virus in the air ,which are eventually inhaled by others.


  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  • Blood pressure medicines
  • Lung cancer
  • Cystic fibrosis
  • Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
  • Laryngopharyngeal reflux
  • Postnasal drip
  • GERD (Gastro-Intestinal Reflux Disease)
  • Sarcoidosis

A viral infection, on the other hand, occurs when the body contracts a virus. Hence, the exact cause cannot be specified.


The risk factors associated with all three conditions include the following:


A lot of factors are at play in causing cold. These include a weak immunity, exposure to irritants, seasons, as well as age.


Flu, on the other hand, may be caused due to an underlying heart disease, obesity, kidney disease, liver disorders, severe anemia, liver disorders, and much more. Even children and adults who receive aspirin therapy may be prone to getting the flu.


Certain risk factors put you at a higher risk when it comes to cough. These include exposure to industrial fumes, uncontrolled asthma, and being prone to allergies, among others. Additionally, air pollution can increase your chances of getting a cough.

A viral infection can carry a host of risk factors. Most of the time, it depends on your environmental factors, and you catch it accordingly.

We hope that all of the aforementioned aspects help you understand the symptoms, causes, and risks associated with cold, flu, cough, and virus in a much better manner. Now that you are armed with the necessary information, you can definitely try out common home remedies and measures for the same.


Home remedies and treatment options for mouth and teeth problems

Home remedies and treatment options for mouth and teeth problems

The human body has many essential body parts, and one of the most crucial parts of the body is the mouth. It entails a lot of different functions such as: Take in food as well as drinks Breathe in the air around It helps with kick-starting the process of digestion as the teeth chew the food you eat Helps in speaking and singing Since there are many different mouth and teeth problems, here are some of the most common home remedies you can adopt to cure them. Home remedies for toothache There are many home remedies that you can adopt to get rid of toothache: Saltwater rinse To use a saltwater rinse, we recommend you mix half a teaspoon of salt into a warm water glass and use it as mouthwash regularly. Cold compress Applying a cold compress to the area of a toothache can help in reducing the pain. When you apply a cold compress, the blood vessels of that particular area are constricted. Hence, it is highly advisable to go for it. Hydrogen peroxide rinse A hydrogen peroxide rinse also helps in relieving pain as well as inflammation. It not only kills bacteria but also reduces plaque and then starts healing bleeding gums. Garlic Garlic has been used for medicinal properties since time immemorial. It not only kills harmful bacteria but can also help in relieving pain. To use this remedy, you crush a garlic clove and then use it to create a paste to the affected area. Peppermint tea bags Peppermint tea can be used for numbing pain and then for soothing sensitive gums. To do this particular, allow an old used tea bag to cool down before you apply it to the affected area. Some other remedies that you can use as remedies include the following:
4 tips to manage the symptoms of menopause

4 tips to manage the symptoms of menopause

Menopause is diagnosed when a woman doesn’t menstruate for 12 months at a stretch, and it is the end of a woman’s fertility and menstrual cycles. Natural menopause occurs when the ovaries start showing signs of reduced production of the hormones progesterone and estrogen. On the other hand, induced menopause is often a result of the surgical removal of the ovaries to treat a medical condition or the ovaries getting damaged due to the consumption of certain medications or exposure to harmful radiation. Menopause can lead to pain and discomfort, along with several other symptoms, but following some simple tips can help women reduce the discomfort and pain associated with menopause: Maintain a stable weight Women tend to gain weight during menopause due to the hormonal changes that their bodies undergo, and it can also happen due to aging, genetics, or lifestyle choices. Weight gain or the accumulating fat content in the body makes women susceptible to developing heart diseases and other conditions like diabetes. The increased weight also aggravates the symptoms of menopause and increases the risk of joint conditions like osteoporosis. Achieving and maintaining a healthy weight helps reduce the symptoms and protects the body against several harmful diseases. Avoid the consumption of trigger foods Trigger foods are the foods that cause the urge to eat more and can lead to an increase in the symptoms of menopause. These include mood swings, hot flashes, and night sweats. The most common trigger foods include alcoholic beverages, caffeinated drinks, junk food, fried food, and baked goods like brownies, donuts, pastry, and cookies. Also, women need to be mentally aware of the foods that are worsening their symptoms and stay away from them. Follow a regular workout schedule Regular exercise is a must among women during the onset of menopause to help manage the symptoms effectively.
Foods one should eat to maintain kidneys and liver health

Foods one should eat to maintain kidneys and liver health

The human body has a system of multiple inter-related processes. The kidneys and liver are crucial organs, as these cleanse your body of toxins. Any disorder or infection in these organs may interfere with the other bodily processes. One needs to be aware of certain remedies and foods that help keep these organs in peak shape. For the kidney Here are three home remedies and foods that may be beneficial to treat kidney infections: Drink water and cranberry juice If one wants relief from kidney infections, it is vital to flush out harmful bacteria. Drinking six to eight glasses of water daily is helpful. Additionally, malic, quinic, and citric acids found in cranberry juice are also beneficial to relieve infections in the urinary tract. Apply warm and moist heat To soothe irritated nerves and reduce pain, using a warm water bottle or heating pad to the affected areas is beneficial. One must cover the heated bottle with a cloth to avoid burns. Apply the heat compress for 10 to 15 minutes. Drink green tea Green tea extract is known to have an antibacterial effect on bacterial strains that cause urinary tract infections. Consuming green tea may be beneficial to alleviate the discomfort caused due to kidney infections. While these remedies may be beneficial, it is essential to seek expert guidance to help relieve pain due to severe symptoms. Moreover, giving the body adequate rest is also helpful and results in relief from the discomfort. For the liver Fatty liver disease may be caused due to excess alcohol consumption. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) may occur if someone is obese or suffers from diabetes, high blood pressure, or cholesterol. Lifestyle and diet changes are essential to seek relief from this condition. Here are three home treatments and foods that may be beneficial for the liver:
Improving your mental health at home

Improving your mental health at home

While your physical well-being is important, keeping your mind healthy is a must. If you are suffering from anxiety, stress, or any other brain disorder, it will reflect in your physical health too. People who are suffering from poor mental health exhibit symptoms like hypertension, an abnormal increase in the rate of the heartbeat, or a sharp pain in the chest. You must make an effort to enhance your mental health on a daily basis. Home activities for improving mental health Exercise Apart from keeping your body fit, exercise helps in improving your mental health too. It is a very effective way to let go of nervousness and all the anxiety that has accumulated in your body as a bundle of negative energy. You do not have to indulge in rigorous exercise. Doing some simple exercises at home should work as a good stress-buster. Yoga, pilates, cycling, or swimming, pick an exercise of your choice and make it a point to do a bit of it every day. The trick lies in being regular and disciplined with whatever you choose to do. Meditation Most people lead such busy lives that they find it difficult to even stop for a moment to catch their breath. The kind of lifestyle we lead does not give us enough time to pause, look within, and introspect. Thus, it is very important to carve out some time from your busy schedule and meditate for a while every day. It is, perhaps, the most important relaxation technique known to mankind and one which helps you cleanse your mind off all the accumulating stress, anxiety, and other forms of negativity. Meditation is also recommended for people who are suffering from mood swings. Start writing Writing is a great way to reduce anxiety and stress. You might not think yourself to be very good with words, but every human being feels the need to express himself or herself in one way or the other.
Multiple sclerosis – what are the treatment options

Multiple sclerosis – what are the treatment options

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a kind of condition in which the immune system does not respond as it should. It gets directed against the working of the central nervous system (CNS). The CNS entails optic nerves, spinal cord, and the brain. It is meant to work in tandem with the immune system. However, when MS occurs, it fails to do so. Let’s take a look at some of the treatment options for multiple sclerosis. Treatment for multiple sclerosis Depending on the type, here are the common treatments for multiple sclerosis:   There is no particular cause for multiple sclerosis. As a result, the treatment focuses on recovering fast after an attack rather than getting to the root. Here are the common measures:  Corticosteroids, such as intravenous methylprednisolone and oral prednisone Plasmapheresis   Modifying progress To deal with primary progressive multiple sclerosis, ocrelizumab is usually recommended. It is the only FDA-approved disease-modifying therapy available. For particular types of multiple sclerosis, where it keeps recurring, the doctor may use different treatments, depending on the intensity of the condition. Some of the common treatments for these include:  Beta interferons Glatiramer acetate Fingolimod Dimethyl Fumarate Teriflunomide Siponimod Some of the other treatments for the signs and symptoms of MS include:  Physical therapy Muscle relaxants Medicines used to reduce tiredness Medicines to help increase walking speed Home remedies for multiple sclerosis There are plenty of other treatments available to help relieve the symptoms and deal with problems related to multiple sclerosis. Consume the following: Vitamin A Vitamin A has proven to show results in delaying macular degeneration associated with age. It also consists of antioxidants, which can be helpful people with multiple sclerosis.  Vitamin B-1 Vitamin B-1 is also known as thiamin. It helps in the proper functioning of the brain and is also essential for nerve, muscle, heart function, and metabolism.
Treatment options and home remedies for gout

Treatment options and home remedies for gout

Uric acid crystals result in gout. It is an inflammatory condition that usually affects men as a type of arthritis. It causes severe joint pain around the knees, feet, and ankles. However, there are certain measures that one can take for gout treatment. We will discuss these as well as home remedies in this article. Types of medications Some medicines may be prescribed to the patient on a regular basis; these can help to alleviate the symptoms of this condition: Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications These medications are known to reduce the duration of the attack. If one takes them within the first twenty-four hours, then it really helps. They are usually prescribed to reduce the inflammation and relieve the pain. Corticosteroids These types of medications are usually administered orally or may even be injected into the body. They not only help in the reduction of the swelling but can also combat inflammation. In some cases, the doctor may also inject a hormone known as an adrenocorticotropic hormone to help the body produce corticosteroids naturally. The doctor may also give a combination of both at different times to help with alleviating the symptoms. Colchicine Colchicine is derived from a plant, which has been used to reduce the symptoms of gout for over 2,000 years. It helps to reduce pain and swelling. However, this may come with a specific side effect such as abdominal cramps, nausea, and diarrhea. Reducing uric acid levels The most ideal way to treat gout is by controlling uric acid levels in the body. Once they are controlled, the chances of a gout attack reduce considerably. The following medications can be consumed for reducing uric acid levels: Probenecid Allopurinol Lesinurad Febuxostat Pegloticase In most cases, the doctor will wait until the most recent gout attack before he goes on to prescribe a dosage of the aforementioned medications.